Welcome to your next onboarding steps. You are almost there. Whether you're a regular volunteer, board member, or a staff member, you are about to make history in Liberia through YesLiberia. Below are a few important onboarding documents to review, complete or sign. Upon signing, a copy of your signed document will be emailed to you from our HR team. This will also trigger your access to various team leaders, the appropriate WhatsApp groups, and an announcement of you across the organization and to the general public. Thank you for making a difference!

    1. Volunteer Onboarding Packet(View only)
    2. Code of Conduct(View only)
    3. Confidentiality Agreement(View only)

    4. Connect with YesLiberia on all your social media platforms by checking the boxes for the ones you are following us on. Then leave a comment or a post on at least one of those platforms.

    5.If you initially applied through VolunteerMatch, please visit that site and leave a brief review about YesLiberia.